Are you sitting there, wondering how you can get involved with this Base? There are a few things you could do.


That’s the heartbeat!

The wind in our sails – if ever we are to do anything of eternal value.

We would be eternally grateful if you prayed with us and for us, as God would have you.
Right there where you are, you could be at the frontier of Athi River’s activity and community, by getting down on your knees and lifting up prayer for us.

You can get in touch with us today to find out how you can pray.
Click the button below to go to our Contact page, and choose “Prayer” as your inquiry’s category.

Enroll in the DTS

If you desire to become more like Jesus in the way you relate to God and people, this 5-month school could be “it” for you.

Designed such that individuals are required to pull away from their jobs, schools, and the everyday cares of life, for a specific time period, the Discipleship Training School will facilitate you in giving your undivided attention to being moulded into undeniable Christ-likeness.

Join Staff

Even though the Acacia trees are numerous, they do not handle the day-to-day activities on the base – staff do.

Staff are the unsung heroes that keep the Base moving. Their long-term commitment ensures stability and continuity, cultivating a suitable environment for evangelism, discipleship and community impact on, near and far from the Base.

Does God want you here, in the thick of the action, facilitating the activities of YWAM Athi River?

In which area would He have you serve with us?  Get in touch and speak with us about it.
Have questions about staff fees? Check here.
Or better yet, send in your application!


The work is great; the labourers? Never too many!

A volunteer is someone who comes to serve with the Base for a short time.
Usually, a volunteer comes with a particular focus in mind, e.g. serving with the preschool, evangelism, or with a general desire of just being part of every aspect of life in this community for their intended period of service.

The maximum time for which one can volunteer is 6 months

There’s always room for more God-sent hands here.  So, get in touch with us to see what we can do together, or better yet, if you already know, why not send in your application?

Have questions about volunteer fees? Check here.

Participate in the Annual August Kids Camp

Every August, YWAM Athi River runs a kids camp.
During this camp, we host hundreds of children and use the opportunity to minister to them, play with them, and bless them (plus their families) with whatever has been made available.

You can be part of the next one.

Starts: 13th August 2024
Ends: 16th August 2024

Get in touch and find out how you can participate!

YWAM Athi River - August Kids Camp

Come 4 Outreach!

We’ve been privileged to host a number of DTS & YWAM teams for their outreach!

Eternally Impacting, Culturally Immersive!


If God would have you give toward His work in Athi River Base, you can click the button below to see our bank details. If you’d still like more information, we’d be glad to give it as necessary.

Tell Someone!

How will they know if no one tells them?!

Share our endeavour with friends, family, workmates, schoolmates, your landlord…even strangers!

Tell them what God is doing at Athi River Base; perhaps He has a place here for them!