As we would seek to develop an international policy that is equitable, in a world where international finances are very inequitable, it is of utmost necessity to review applicable Biblical principles & practices.
First of all, let us understand the terms “just” and “fair”.
Fairness has to do with giving or requiring from each the same.
Justice has to do with giving to or requiring from each his/her due.
Consider a family which as two teenage boys – twins, both of whom play football. It would be fair for each of them to receive an equal portion of food when they return from football practice. It would also be just.
However, if another family served the same amount of food to their two-year-old girl and to their 16-year-old boy, though it would be fair, it would not be just.
Fairness requires that each receive the same; justice that each receive his/her due.
So it would be just for the 16-year-old to eat more than his two-year-old sister even though it would not be fair.
God is fair whenever fairness can be justly executed. But whenever fairness and justice diverge, God is unquestionably just. God’s justice is revealed again and again in the principles of the scriptures.
God’s requirements in the area of sacrifices followed the principle of justice. God did not ignore the economic differences that existed among His people; rather, He took them into consideration in His dealings with them.
In each of the Old Testament examples, we saw that the same thing was obtained –forgiveness of sin, personal cleansing or bringing gladness to God– even though people gave varyingly according to their circumstances. We saw this as an expression of God’s justice.
We see the same thing in the New Testament. God wishes to give good gifts to all, but we see this not only as an expression of His justice but also of His lovingkindness.
See Matthew 20:1-16, Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4
In neither the Old nor New Testament do we see God giving free handouts that undermined individual responsibility and personal cost. Yet in His justice He did not put the same demands on all people.
He did not require the same amount, but the same principle from the poor as from the rich.
So it is in YWAM that if we require the same amount of money for a particular training course such as a DTS, from every individual without due consideration of their financial capabilities, we run the risk of being unjust.
The tuition fees for a school should present a financial challenge to a prospective student which would be one of the things to serve to weed out the casually interested and to exercise the faith of the seriously committed.
There should be, a it were, a mountain to be scaled or moved by faith. However, we must tailor our mountains to our students, so that they would not be so low as to fail to necessitate the exercise of their faith, nor so high that the prospective student would give up in discouragement before faith even has an opportunity to rise.
It is therefore on this basis that we categorise countries as A, B or C. Do you know which category your country is in?
Copied from “Biblical Basis for Adopting an International Financial Scale”
Written by David Joel Hamilton
Printed in the UofN Reference Guide, 1999
YWAM is called to practice a life of dependence upon God for financial provision. For individuals and YWAM corporately this comes primarily through His people. As God has been generous toward us, so we desire to be generous.
YWAMers give themselves, their time and talents to God through the Mission with no expectation of remuneration.
To facilitate the smooth running of the Base and its activities, we work with a payment policy.
In accordance with YWAM International values, each student is responsible to pay his/her fees.
The DTS Leadership is available to pray, encourage and offer suggestions, but the primary responsibility is with the student.
We would request that all school fees be paid in full, before the school starts.
(Category A nationals are required to pay the fee in full before arrival)
However, if due to circumstances this is not possible, the following guideline has been established for students to be accountable for the finance God supplies.
In the event that you’re not able to meet these requirements, please get in touch so that a payment agreement can be reached with the School Leader.
Category A: $2,100 USD
Category B: $1,600 USD
Category C: 51,000 KES
* Please do not proceed without the approval of the School Leader.
** All fees must be paid before the Outreach Phase, or you will not be eligible to go with the team.
*** Your School Fee covers registration, accommodation, feeding, transport (with the school), and outreach
**** We are not able to provide for special diets
Upon your arrival at the Base, you would be expected to have 2 months of your staff fee.
Category A: 7,000 KES per month
Category B: 5,500 KES per month
Category C: 3,500 KES per month
* Your staff fee covers housing and three simple meals a day
** We are not able to provide for special diets
Volunteers serving for 4-6 months pay as indicated below:
Category A: $8USD per day
Category B: $6USD per day
Category C: 4,500 KES per month
Volunteers serving for 1-3 months pay as indicated below:
Category A: $15USD per day
Category B: $12USD per day
Category C: 1-6 months 4500KES monthly; Less than 1 month 500KES daily
* Your volunteer fee covers housing and three simple meals a day
** We are not able to provide for special diets
Would you like to visit, or perhaps, come with an outreach team?
You can view a breakdown of the costs in this downloadable PDF.
ACC NUMBER: 1006081955
BRANCH: Machakos Branch
BANK CODE: 07000
Address in Machakos
Mbolu Malu Road – Machakos
P.O. Box 444599
For international transfers, please get in touch with us for the Swift Transfer Details specific to your currency.
You can email
The notification will indicate the payment being made to “YWAM ATHI RIVER”
Please send the payment confirmation SMS to 0793290490.
For questions, please contact +254 793 290 490.